Juan Gomila


(Spanish, b. 1942)

Juan Gomila (Barcelona, 1942) is one of the artists of reference in the Spanish scene after the development of Pop Art. His work, which began in the sixties, can be seen as a deep reflection on the value of colour and signs in a world saturated with signals and codes. Therefore, it is true to say that from the time he represented Spain in the Alexandria Biennial (1974, first prize) or the Bienal of Sao Paulo (1977), Gomila has stressed the value that the body, in other words, the human being, assumes in urban environments that are heavily controlled.

All these concerns are explicitly dealt with from the sixties to the present. Thus we can see how the figure has evolved in a complex way throughout his entire career, regardless of the technical medium he uses ranging from traditional painting to collage, digital photography to unearthing (a technique developed by Gomila), and cutouts from many different types of publication.

works available